Thursday, August 28, 2008

Browser Script vs Server Script

Diff . between Browser - ( BS ) and Server Script ( SS )

Browser Script :

1. Only eScript can be used in BS whereas in SS., both VB / eScript can be used.
2. BS can be used for data validation in the current context ., i.e Execute query cannot be done.
3. Interaction with desktop applications
4. To get inputs from the user.
5. The only fields that are available to browser script are:
• Id Field
• Fields whose values appear in the UI

Server Script:

1. Query, insert, update, and delete operations
2. Access and data validation beyond the current record

Practical hints:
1. While debugging you cannot step thru Browser script by placing break points
2. Browser script is generated in public\enu folder
3. You may have to run genbscript to generate browser script ., if you have not set the browser script folder in tools.
4. The server script executes in the server object manager in thin client and in the client machine of mobile client / dedicated client.
5. Browser script executes in the client browser javascript interpretter

For Methods information please refer siebel object interface reference.

To keep it simple, JavaScript forms Browser Script & VB/eScript forms Server Script... Browser script is interpreted by Browser while Server Script is interpreted by Object Manager....

Is it true that Server script really executed in Server?

As when we do the coding and test in mobile client, it seems we don't need the server and can still execute server scripts.
Yes its TRUE....the .exe interprets Server Script....